Quartus II Waveform Editor

07/05/2013 12:16

       (4) design and simulation.Quartus II software allows the designer to use the vector file (vec) text-based as the emulator incentive, can also be generated in the Quartus II software waveform editor vector waveform file (vWF) as the incentive of the emulator. Quartus II Waveform Editor, we to edit the waveform file s_to_p.vwf "and for the simulation. Then, in the Processing menu, select the Simulate Mode "option to enter emulation mode, select the Simulator Settings ..." dialog box simulation settings. The stimulus file emulation mode (functional simulation or timing simulation).

       (5) device programming.Designers can configure the data is downloaded to the device by MasterBlaster or ByteBlasterMV of communication cables,  you can also give multiple devices in the JTAG mode programming. Quartus II software to the device programming or configuration, you first need to open the programmer (New menu options, select file by Open Chain Description File) laptop battery in the programmer programming mode setting (Mode drop-down box),  click the Start button to start the device configuration programming. Where we need to be selected according to the peripheral hardware circuit design.

       2 kinds of EDA tools, collaborative design.In all aspects of FPGA design has different companies provide different EDA tools. Each EDA tools has its own characteristics. In general, the integrated development environment provided by the FPGA vendors, such as Quartus II design synthesis and design simulation aspects are not very good, so will provide third-party EDA tool interface, allowing users to more easily use other EDA tools. Laptop battery In this regard, as EDA integrated development environment Quartus II done a good job, not only can generate and identify the EDIF netlist files. Apple a1281 battery Apple a1322 battery Asus a3 battery Asus a32-f3 battery