According to the principle of signal processing
According to the principle of signal processing, a Gaussian low-pass filter inserted quite mathematically perform the convolution of the input signal with a Gaussian function, the input signal is converted into a no overshoot, fast rise time, minimum group delay nearly Gaussian response step pulse . The basic principles and design of the Gaussian filter has a large number of monographs and documentation for reference, this space is limited only reference frequency response results. Laptop battery Gaussian low-pass filter frequency smooth roll-off characteristics can be expressed as:
Where H is the amplitude of the frequency, fo is-3dB cutoff frequency. Formula (4) showed that the frequency of the amplitude and frequency of the square of a negative exponential relationship, such as the expression dB of formula (4) can be simplified as:From equation (5), the high-frequency low-pass filter in the fo frequency attenuation 3dB, attenuation 12dB in 2fo frequency, the rest on. According to formula (5) as shown in Figure 2a can be obtained Gaussian low-pass filter frequency characteristic curve G-10, and Figure 2b is a rise time tr = 1ns and the amplitude V = 1V of the step time of the Gaussian pulse response waveform.
FIG 2 G-10 using a Gaussian low-pass filter design, the most common 10-order LC circuit which is very close to the theoretical value of the infinite order. In order to make the Gaussian low-pass filter is more suitable for high-speed frequency response, especially the impedance matching is to measure the link conditions on the basis of PSPL still Gaussian low-pass filter design, based on practical experience has been amended 9 Gaussian lowpass optimum impedance matching filter, Figure 2 with PS-9.The reason is that the step pulse source components, devices, cabling, connectors, etc.
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